Our SEND coordinator is Mr Graham Wigginton.
Special Educational Needs
There is substantial and comprehensive provision for those who require it. We work closely with the County Psychological and Learning Support Services and Speech Therapists. Children with special needs have an individual programme of work devised in consultation with parents. Additional support may be provided for some children through individual and small group activities, led by our dedicated, well qualified and experienced teaching assistants. Parents who have concerns in this area should contact the Head Teacher who is also the SENCO.
School governing bodies have important statutory duties towards pupils with special educational needs. The governing body must:
- Do their best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has special educational needs.
- Secure that, where the ‘responsible’ person, the head teacher or the appropriate governor has been informed by the LA that a pupil has special educational needs, those needs are made known to all who are likely to teach him or her. Our SEN Governor is Mrs Little
- Ensure that teachers in the school are aware of the importance of identifying and providing for, those pupils who have special educational needs.
- Consult the LA, as appropriate, and the governing bodies of other schools, where it seems to them necessary or desirable in the interests of co-ordinated special educational provision in the area as a whole.
- Ensure that the pupil joins in the activities of the school together with pupils who do not have special educational needs, so far as that is reasonable practical and compatible with the pupil receiving the necessary special educational provision, the efficient education of other children in the school and the efficient use of resources.
- Have regard to this Code of Practice when carrying out their duties towards all pupils with special educational needs.
Equal Opportunities
Children/Adults with disabilities are welcome at Kirkbride School. There is suitable physical access for children in wheel chairs through different entrances. There are access toilets in the school throughout the school.