School Sports Grant
Our Aim
We aim to create a happy, stimulating environment where all children are provided with opportunities, to plan, participate in and evaluate their physical education.
This will enable Kirkbride Primary School to promote a lifelong love of sport and physical activity.
Our Values
We believe that PE in a safe and supportive environment, is vital to a child’s physical and emotional well-being and development. A high quality, PE programme ensures that children’s needs are at the forefront whilst encouraging them to realise the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle.
Our Objectives
We aim to do this by promoting a life-long love of sport and physical activity through the following objectives:
Thorough application of the PE Programmes of Study, utilising expert coaching wherever possible
On-going high quality CPD for all staff
A range of physical activities during playtimes as well as upgrading the playground
A variety of after school clubs to target all interests and abilities
Providing links to community sports clubs
A commitment to working towards the School Games Kitemark annually
As children move through primary school, they must develop their physical and cognitive skills in order to lead and develop sport later on in life. This can be aided by providing numerous sporting events to not only ignite interest but keep that interest alive.
In order to do this we have committed our 2022-2023 Sports Funding of £16,800 to the following:
Providing swimming lessons for 3, 4, 5 & 6 pupils - £3,000
Providing expert sports coaching & on-going CPD for the year across KS1 & KS2 - £2,000
Providing curriculum time coaching for Reception, Y1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 - £5,000
Buying into a local competition calendar - £600
Updating & maintaining PE/games equipment - £700
Updating playtime equipment - £1000
Transport to sporting events - £1,000
With the increased SSG we aim to:
Further develop Forest Schools at Kirkbride school for all children from N- Y6 and Beach Schools for N-Y2 in the summer term - £4,000
In 2022-2023 we also aim to to raise the profile of sport across the school by:
Develop the role and profile of Year 5 and 6 Play-Leaders
Opportunities for younger children to swim
Sports funding has allowed us to increase opportunities for pupils to take part in sports, including swimming. Pupils receive swimming tuition in years 3,4,5 and 6. We support and use our local baths at Wigton Trust Baths
In 2021-2022, 100% of our Year 6 Children were able to swim 25m, perform self-rescue procedures and use a range of strokes.
See previous years’ Sports Reports for Impact of funding.
UK Government website
PE and sport premium for primary schools.