Young Voices Choir 2023

In January 2023, we took 16 children from KS2 to Manchester AO Arena for the fantastic Young Voices school choir event. It was amazing and our children loved joining in with nearly 20,000 other children to sing their hearts out. They were joined by Heather Small from M People, and dancers, beat boxers and other performers to experience this fantastic event. After months of rehearsals and practising, they enjoyed every minute. Thank you to everyone for supporting our school and the children, including the staff, parents and the school PTA for financial help.

Jungle Book 2023

In June 2023, our KS2 children performed a production of Disney's Kids, Jungle Book. What a fabulous show it was. Our talented children enjoyed singing, dancing, and acting to tell this well-loved story. The children enjoyed sharing it with the school, parent and community audiences over three shows. Well done to all our children and staff.

 The Lion King 2024

 In July 2024, our KS2 children performed a production of Disney's Kids The Lion King. What a wonderful performance as over three shows, they acted, danced, sang and joked. It was great to see so many in our audience from our village community supporting the children, celebrating their success and enjoying the shows. We are so proud of them all.