At Kirkbride Primary School, we ensure that our children receive a full and enriched curriculum that is tailored to meet their needs. As a staff, we have given careful consideration to all our children; offering additional experiences and activities which complement their current opportunities and statutory rights.
Ultimately, our curriculum intent, is to ensure our school's vision is lived; for everyone in our school community to shine brightly, to develop a love of learning and experience wider opportunities to explore, learn and grow. We inspire our children with exciting learning opportunities, a challenging land ambitious curriculum so that they can develop high aspirations for the future.
Through our curriculum we:
- embed our values of kindness, friendship, ambition, respect, trust and honesty.
- develop independence and resilience
- aim to have a positive impact on the local community and wider environment
- utilise the opportunities that outdoor learning offers
Our subject based, knowledge rich curriculum is implemented through an engaging cross-curricular approach. Our curriculum is inspiring, ambitious and nurtures inquisitive, engaged learners to explore, learn and grow, in a safe and nurturing environment. Our curriculum is rich in wonder and memorable experiences, and they allow children's natural creativity and curiosity to flourish and grow, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge.
Most of the foundation subjects are taught in depth through our curriculum units over a two-year rolling programme. We believe that choosing the right context to engage our children in their learning is vital in fostering a love of learning and also maintaining high standards. English, Maths, Science, RE, Music, French, Computing, PE and PSHE lessons are taught as discreet sessions, but wherever possible they will link to our topics so that skills can be applied across the curriculum.
Staff have worked together to carefully map out the full curriculum and have devised effective tracking systems to make sure there is clear progression for all, and that we have high expectations for all children's achievements in all subjects.
Examples of the additional experiences offered to our children include, whole-school visits to the theatre, visits to the seaside, the nearby Lake District National Park, Museums and other cultural visits as well as other places relevant to their topics and learning.
As outdoor learning is important to us, we regularly experience Forest Schools, either in our own Woodland area, or locally. In addition, children in Year 4 - Year 6 have access to an outdoor education residential experience every year, which are well received and support the children in learning about people and places, and learning new skills. These experiences are very effective for the children to experience life beyond their doorstep. In addition, all classes benefit from visitors to the school every term, such as STEM Ambassadors, Faith Leaders, authors, specialist sports coaches, and local members of our church and village community, to deepen the children's learning.
The impact of our curriculum is that our children leave Kirkbride Primary School as happy, caring and confident individuals who know how to keep safe and who achieve well across all subjects. They have developed a love of reading, maths and science, have experienced all that we can offer, are resilient and thoughtful, and have high aspirations for the future.