25 Oct

Maths learning

This term the children have been working hard in their maths learning.  Well done Elm Class! 

25 Oct

Delivering Diva lamps

The class have been busy - delivering Diva lamps to local residents to 'light up Kirkbride' and collecting information in geography about local buildings and sketching self-portraits in art.

15 Oct

RE topic

As part of their RE topic the children visited St. Bride's Church.  Rev. Bryan told the children all about the main features of the church and about the history of church and Kirkbride. 


5 Oct

Stocks Wood

The Reception children and Ash Class had a brilliant day at Stocks Wood.  They learned all about themselves and created a self-portrait using nature. Plus they also enjoyed fire-making, roasting marshmallows and had lots and lots of fun! One child told Miss Carter "I just love nature!".

" I…

5 Oct

St.Bride's Church

The class had a super learning experience with Reverend Bryan at St.Bride's Church.  They learned all about baptism and what this means to Christians by taking part in a pretend baptism service.  Lots of fun and new information shared and a beautiful rainbow on their walk back to…

5 Oct

Session with Razzamatza- Theatre School

The class along with Acorn Class thoroughly enjoyed their session with Razzamatza- Theatre School exploring and developing their performance skills through dance, acting and singing! 

30 Sep

Science topic all about Seasons

As part of their science topic all about Seasons the children enjoyed a scavenger hunt around school looking for signs of Autumn.  We are so lucky to have lots of trees and nature in our school grounds.

25 Sep

Harvest festival Autumn 2021

Elm class have had a busy start to the Autumn Term... amazing art work and a brilliant Harvest Festival with Rev. Bryan.