Morning opening time
Entrance doors to the main hall are opened at 8.30am.
The doors will be closed at 8.45a.m. and children who arrive at school after this time should enter via the School Reception Office and receive a late mark.
Absence from school
Any absence from school should be reported on the first day of absence and within the first hour giving reason for absence, which is required for our records. If parents do not contact school we will call parents regarding the child’s absence on the first day they are not present. As you can appreciate, this can be time consuming for office staff and your co-operation in this matter is appreciated.
Non-Collection of children
If you know that you will be unexpectedly late in picking up your child from school please make direct contact with the school office and we will be happy to keep your child in school until you arrive. Collection must be made from the school office. In the event of non-collection without notification staff will call emergency contact numbers in hierarchical order commencing at 3.10pm. If there is no response, within 30 minutes, from the emergency contact numbers, and after a number of attempts have been made, we will call Children’s Services and ask for advice.